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Title: Studies in German Literature
Course Section Number: GER-313-01
Department: German
Description: Heimat, Krimi, Wald In this course, students will explore the literary representation and cultural history of topics that seem especially or uniquely German. 天下足球网,球探比分 will begin with the Wald, or forest, and the role that it played in Early German Romanticism in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The Wald serves as an important artistic locus for lyric poetry but also for music, narrative, and visual art. 天下足球网,球探比分 will then turn to the genre of the Kriminalgeschichte or Krimi and the outsize position that it has long occupied in popular German culture. In particular, we will consider the Krimi as a means of negotiating a post-war, multiethnic German identity. Finally, we will examine the curious concept of Heimat, a word that we render in English as "homeland" but that Germans will tell you is essentially untranslatable. 天下足球网,球探比分'll read Nora Krug's excellent graphic novel and family memoir Heimat as a window onto the entanglement of homeland, history, and personal identity. Through each topic, we will focus on both the critical analysis of literary works and the examination of broader cultural concepts (e.g., Kultur vs. Natur, Kollektivschuld, Assimilation vs. Integration, Vergangenheitsbearbeitung).
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 21, 2024
End Date: December 14, 2024
Meeting Information:
08/22/2024-12/12/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:45AM - 11:00AM, Detchon, Room 211
Faculty: Tucker, Brian
Requisite Courses: Prerequisites: GER-301 and GER-302

Course Status

Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
Studies in German Literature
OPEN German 16 6 / 10 / 0
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